Top 10 Holiday Home Decorating Mistakes

Holiday home decorating is a great way for people to show their holiday spirit. However it is important to keep some general principals in mind when selecting your seasonal home decor. The list that follows is a general guide on what not to do when selecting your holiday home decorations.

Pick a color scheme and stick to it. Many people make the mistake of being too “loud” with their decorating colors and end up with a chaotic mess instead of a calming holiday effect. Of course, when there are children involved, there are more knick-knacks and decorations that won’t exactly fit in, but that’s the fun of youth. However, for adults who want to pull a seasonal room together, carefully think what holiday home decorating you really need and if those items gel harmoniously.

Again, when placing seasonal decorations such as the tree, wreaths, centerpieces, and religious icons around the interior and exterior of your home, 浴缸香港 keep a tasteful balance. Many light up the night sky with far too many lights around windows, around porches, and sometimes on the roof. Make a more prudent choice and go with a more minimalist approach. Plan out where fairy lights and the tree will go in relation to the picture window neighbors can see through. Keep a close eye on the distance put between items on mantles and table. You never want to create a more chaotic look which makes any room feel less comfortable to occupy. That’s not what you want for those who visit your home.

If there are children in the home who fall in love with a Frosty the Snowman snow globe the size of your home, perhaps it’s nice to appease them. However, make sure that the ornament is securely attached to the ground due to high winter winds or an unexpected storm.

If you do not have children, the wise choice to maintain a sophisticated look is to avoid these type ornaments like the plague. It draws away completely from any tasteful decorating you may have hung. No one is looking at the handmade wreath you spent hours putting together. Neighbors see only the Santa and reindeer that are perpetually inflated by a loud generator will make all your creativity moot.